教員紹介 / Faculty Members


教授 / Professors

・土屋和代   TSUCHIYA, Kazuyo (On Sabbatical)


Professor Tsuchiya specializes in 20th-century American social history. She has taught courses on Black liberation, immigration history, and urban planning. Professor Tsuchiya teaches the required courses “Contemporary American Society” and “American Studies” for undergraduate students. She hopes to work with students to gain a greater understanding of America’s past and present through the lenses of race, ethnicity, class, and gender.

・中野耕太郎   NAKANO, Kotaro(2024年度コース副主任)


Professor Nakano is a historian of 20th-century America. He has written about nation-making, the transformation of American civic nationalism in the 1970s, and changes in the nation-citizen relationship arising from the decline of the welfare state. Professor Nakano teaches the required courses “American History II” and “American History II Seminar”. He encourages students to study the past to gain a deeper understanding of the present and to build a better future.

・橋川健竜   HASHIKAWA, Kenryu


Professor Hashikawa specializes in the history of the early modern Atlantic world and 18th- and 19th-century U.S. history. He teaches the required courses “American History I” and “American History I Seminar” in addition to “American Thoughts and Ideas.” Professor Hashikawa welcomes students to join the North American Studies Division to hone their language proficiency and develop critical thinking skills.

・矢口祐人   YAGUCHI, Yujin

Much of my writing in the past has focused on Hawai’i and its relationship with Japan. My larger concern is thinking about the meaning of “writing culture”—how are cultures represented in memorials, museums, textbooks, films and others and what are the dynamics behind such representations? As a scholar of the United States, I also very strongly believe in the need to commit ourselves to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion on this campus and the society at large.  I hope the North American Studies faculty and students can lead the way.


准教授 / Associate Professors

・井上博之   INOUE, Hiroyuki(2024年度コース主任)


Professor Inoue’s research interests lie in contemporary U.S. literature and films, in particular novels and films of the U.S. West and Southwest. His courses cover a wide variety of novels and films, ranging from classic American literature to contemporary novels and films. By connecting these works to their social backdrop, Professor Inoue hopes that students will learn how to read texts carefully. He teaches the required course “American Literature” and other seminars.

・平松彩子   HIRAMATSU, Ayako

必修科目「アメリカ政治論」を担当しています。専門は20世紀後半以後のアメリカ政治、なかでも南部地域における政党の変容に着目しています。E Pluribus Unum(多から一を)、自由、民主主義といった高い理想を語る一方で、人種間の対立や経済格差の広がり、あるいは近年では投票や選挙についての疑義を呈す声までもが浮上するようになったアメリカ。授業では、こういった理想と現実の落差にも着目しながら、統治機構、政党や選挙、あるいは公共政策について、おもにアメリカで蓄積されてきた政治学の研究を取り上げます。この近くて遠い国について学ぶ経験を通じて、日本に暮らす皆さん自身の自己理解や周囲に対する見方にも何か新しい光を投げかけられればと思います。

Professor Hiramatsu is a political scientist whose research focuses on late 20th-century American politics, particularly the changes in U.S. Southern political parties. Other research interests include political parties, voting rights, federalism, and legislature. She teaches the required course “American Politics.” Her classes explore how the American ideals of freedom and democracy coexist alongside increasing racial tensions and economic disparities. By studying the United States, a country that seems so familiar yet so foreign, Professor Hiramatsu hopes that students living in Japan can learn to view their own ideas and surroundings from new perspectives.


フルブライト招聘講師 / Fulbright Lecturer

・レスリー・ギンズバーグ GINSBERG, Lesley

Professor Ginsberg is the Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Fulbright Scholar Visiting Lecturer. She has taught courses on 19th-century American literature and culture, the American Gothic, 19th-century American women writers, and Edgar Allan Poe. For S Semester 2024, she will be teaching an upper-division undergraduate course on 19th-century American literatures of protest, and a graduate seminar on print culture in 19th-century America.


教務補佐員 / Academic Assistant Staff